Fredericton Youth Hockey Association Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software

A message from FYHA President Ben Macfarlane


Dear FYHA members
I would like to take a moment to assure all members that we are monitoring the current Covid situation closely and we continue to rely on the guidance and recommendations from PNB and HNB. I realize that the past couple of weeks have been challenging for all involved. There is much uncertainty and many questions - but we are still permitted to maintain operations – and our plan is to continue on that path. 
This will take a complete team effort. Please review the items below and do your part to help keep everyone safe.
  • If your child is unwell, please do not send them to hockey.  It causes far more disruption to spread a sickness through a team than to simply keep your child home for that ice time. 
  • Please ensure:
    • You and your child are wearing a mask in rinks at all times (except when on the ice).
    • You and your child are using hand sanitizer and maintaining physical distance wherever possible when in the rinks.
    • You always have your proof of vaccination and ID on hand when entering the rinks.  Even though some of our teams have lists of people who have been pre-screened, there could be spot checks at any time and security personnel are authorized to ask to see your proof of vaccination even if your name is on a list, so please make sure you always have it with you at the rink. 
  • Please follow all guidance from public health should you receive a notice that your child has been exposed to the virus.  This includes keeping them out of hockey until they are cleared to return.  
  • FYHA is adhering to the GNB return to sport & recreation guidelines: COVID-19-path-to-green-sport-amd-rec-guidance.pdf (  This document was last updated Nov 22, 2021.  I encourage anyone interested in doing so to read the document.  Of particular note with the confirmed cases in many of our schools recently is this section:  
35. When there are outbreaks in schools, public health and school directives may be different depending on the circumstances. Usually when a case is discovered in a school they must close to conduct contact tracing, testing and cleaning. If the students have been advised that the school is closed due to a COVID-19 case, all students regardless of vaccination status must suspend participation in sporting activities upon notification of the outbreak and on the following day unless they have been directed otherwise. Once contact tracing is completed it is possible that some schools will remain in virtual learning for other operational reasons. Unless the school communicates that contact tracing efforts will be extended, participation may resume depending on the individual circumstances below:
• Students and same household members who have been told by Public Health to isolate must not attend sporting activities until cleared by Public health.
• Students who are fully vaccinated and have no COVID-19 symptoms can attend sporting activities unless directed otherwise. In line with current Public Health guidance, a fully vaccinated student who is identified as a close contact must follow public health directives for isolation or self-monitoring for the prescribed period of time. Testing may be also required depending on the situation.
• If a communication from the school or public health directs vaccinated students to “self-monitor” with or without testing, these students may resume their sporting activities as long as they are in compliance with any testing requirements, test negative (if applicable) and do not have any symptoms of COVID-19.
• If unvaccinated students are participating in the POCT (point-of-care test) commonly known as “rapid test” program to attend school, they may participate in sporting activities as long as students do not have any symptoms of COVID-19 and have a negative POCT result taken on that same day. In this case, the sport organization is not expected to validate the negative test. The onus is on the student/family to follow directives of the Public Health Act and the Mandatory Order.
• If a school communication informs unvaccinated students who are not participating in the POCT program to “self-isolate”, students must not attend sporting activities until after the isolation period is over. Sport and recreation organizations should adhere to those directions but may adopt stricter requirements if they feel it is required.
  • We would encourage you to let your team manager or coach know if your child has received a positive test (rapid or PCR). Although you are under no obligation to disclose this private medical information, it would greatly help in order for each team to be proactive in the planning process. Public Health will however contact the FYHA directly if they feel it is necessary to do so. 
  • We ask for your patience and support as hockey schedules change and shift this winter due to COVID cases and exposures.  In the past two weeks we have seen some games and practices (and even travel to tournaments) canceled at the last minute as information has become available.  We will work to reschedule these activities wherever possible. 
On a positive note, a number of our teams have had success at recent tournaments. Congratulations is extended to the players, coaches and families of the following teams:
  • U11 AA DQ Blizzards on winning the Shediac/Cape Pele Tournament
  • U13 AA DQ Blizzards on winning the Bathurst Tournament
  • U18 AA Nashwaaksis LC Lions on hosting and winning the U18 Comp tournament
  • U11 C Flyers brought home the Stanley Cup
  • U13 C Lightning brought home the Stanley Cup
Thank you for working together to help us keep the kids playing hockey this season!  If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know or reach out to John O’Toole, your Division Coordinator, team manager or coach.
Ben Macfarlane
FYHA President

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